Saturday, August 18, 2012

Arogya siddhi prayog

The given mantra is Swayam Siddha. When any kind of medicine is needed to be taken, one should have medicine in hand and then chant following mantra 108 times. This mantra chanting could also be done in mind and there is no specific process are needed like rosary, yantra, direction, cloths etc. this way, the given prayog is very easy.
If this prayog could not be done by patient than anyone can do this process on medicine and can give it to the patient. For sure, by increasing healing capacity of the medicine, such medicine filled with mantra power gives better and quick results and also recovers the deficiencies on the invisible parts which could not be done by normal medicines. This prayog should be done every time while taking the medicine and after mantra chanting one should take the medicine.


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