Hanuman is a popular Hindu god who is monkey faced, all mighty powerful, courageous, having unlimited strength, is the incarnation or reflection of Shiva himself and ardent devotee of Rama, Hanuman has many names, Anjaneya, Kesari Nandan, Maruti, Maharudra, Bajrang Bali, Hanuman was born to the Anjana and Kesari. His mother Anjana was an apsara who was born on earth as a female vanara due to a curse. She would be redeemed from this curse on her giving birth to a son. The Valmiki Ramayana states that his father Kesari was the son of Brihaspati and that Kesari also fought on Rama's side in the war against Ravana. Anjana and Kesari performed intense prayers to Shiva to get a child. Pleased with their devotion, Shiva granted them the boon they sought.